Our Services


Shane Dale, Manager
0800 160 100Head Office
148 Hilton Highway, Washdyke Timaru 7941 New ZealandNews

In today’s environment water is a valuable resource with our turn key options accessing this precious resource needn’t be difficult. From domestic to irrigation we…

Geotech and Environmental
We have modern equipment for every drilling request, using methods including reverse circulation, air core, sonic and diamond coring, capable of reaching depths over 1,000m.

Washingtons are capable of undertaking a wide range of piling applications including but not limited to Franki Piles, Cast in-situ piles upto 2m in diameter,…

Our Exploration division has drilled all over New Zealand targeting gold, coal and gas for the last 20 years. We have been the first to…
Quality through Experience
Washingtons has been operating since 1962 drilling in New Zealand, Australia, Antarctica and Papua New Guinea.
We have developed a vast client base throughout the South Pacific and offer a transparent working relationship with the client from start to finish. Our focus is on safety and providing practical competitive solutions with our range of modern equipment and qualified staff.
Our extensive range of drilling services include Reverse Circulation, Sonic Drilling, Diamond Coring, Air Core Drilling, Water Bores,Test Pumping, Soak Pits, Offal Holes, Horizontal Drainage, Geothermal, Driven Piles, Large Diameter Cased Piles and Pre-Collars.
We are based in South Canterbury and have branches in central Otago and Invercargill to Southland and work across all of New Zealand. Our offices in Australia and Papua New Guinea allow us to provide services internationally to a range of other clients.
Whether it’s coalbed methane production, RC gold and coal sampling or horizontal/incline drainage, hiring of our high pressure air compressors and boosters, we want to hear about your project.
World class services available
Head office
148 Hilton Highway, 7910
Washdyke, Timaru
Southland office
20 Wallacetown-Lorneville Hwy,
Lorneville in Invercargill
Alexandra office
53 – 55 Boundary Road
General Enquires
Request A Quote
Our team is hardworking and prides itself in providing results using modern drilling equipment and adhering to up-to-date safety standards.
Contact our head office in Timaru or Southland to discuss your next project.

Hamish Blakemore
Superintendent of Exploration,
OceanaGold Macraes Operation, 2020.
What Our Clients Say!
Washingtons Drilling is the preferred reverse circulation drilling contractor to OceanaGold’s Macraes Operation. They are reliable, well organised and accommodating with a willingness to go the extra-mile. They have maintained a high level of safety and productivity, whilst keeping costs down. I would not hesitate in recommending Washingtons Drilling to potential clients.
Head Office
148 Hilton Highway, 7910
Washdyke, Timaru
Main Yard
20 Wallacetown-Lorneville Hwy
Lorneville in Invercargill
+64 3 688 2638
0800 374 552
kevin@washingt ons.co.nz